I wish this thing between us will remain forever. Having random talks, laughs or even random tears while having each other.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Sunday was pretty fun =) Other than the fact that I almost got killed by Simon who charged in to the room, everything else went pretty well =) Went over to Vivien's aunt's for some house warming thing. She just shifted in. Had some pretty cool and nice steamboat and stuff. The fellowship there is fun. Probably something I don't get often in my family. You know how when you said something wrong and even though that person has already forgiven you, you still feel the need to continue saying sorry? Yeah, you need to stop that cause saying sorry does not cure anything. It also only keeps on reminding that person of what happened. You need to stop saying sorry and start proving it yo!! So yeah, school is tough, as usual. Getting lazier and lazier. Got full mark for Maths test 1 but flunked Test 2. Was so careless>< Gahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Life is hard, but it't worth holding on

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