I wish this thing between us will remain forever. Having random talks, laughs or even random tears while having each other.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Eve

Dang it...new year is like less den 23 hours more wei...and i still haven tink of sum nice new year resolution. Well i thought of a few la..such as
1.Don be so forgetful
2.Don be so emo
3.Be close to those who always throw party..so i can go...LOL

De third resolution rite...kinda dumb...coz, i always am not invited for parties la...so might as well start be close wit dem...lol...despo to not stay in house. I wanna go out.....pls invite me for parties la sumone

But nevertheless, i still learnt from dis year la.

Such as
1. Never ever get a gf??
2. How to lead my teammates to complete disaster
3. How to at least strum de guitar
4. How to communicate wit girls...lol
5. And last but not least....learnt bout myself more and more as each day passes by

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